Spartans on the Capitol: Recent Far-Right Uses of Sparta and Their Historical Problems
17 November 2021 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
An online talk by Professor Stephen Hodkinson, Director of the Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies (University of Nottingham)
The Department of Classics at Loughborough Schools Foundation is pleased to invite you to attend the Autumn Term Classics Lecture on Wednesday 17 November at 5pm, as part of our Classics Lecture Series 2021/22.
On 6 January 2021 a crowd of Donald Trump supporters besieged and invaded the U.S. Capitol building. Some of them bore emblems linked to modern images of Sparta as a warrior society. The insurrection was the latest of many recent occasions when the Far Right around the world has invoked Sparta’s martial reputation to add pseudo-historical inspiration and authority to its cause. Professor Stephen Hodkinson’s will illustrate some of these recent Far-Right uses of Sparta and will briefly discuss their historical roots. He will also argue that the real historical Sparta was by no means as militaristic as is normally thought.
Register via Eventbrite. Booking will close 24 hours before the event, and registrants will receive a link to join the online event on Wednesday 17 November, via their provided email address.
Please contact us at if you have any questions.
This event is open to all.