Your advertisement here for a Classics teacher will be
targeted in a way you can’t find anywhere else.
Advertising with The Classics Library is simple and inexpensive
Your advertisement on The Classics Library will specifically target more than 2,000 Classics teachers, who make up the vast majority of practising and trainee teachers of Classics in the UK. Not only are the UK’s Classicists actively using the site all of the time, but also many schools are advertising their teaching vacancies with The Classics Library all of the time.
You can see the most recent job advertisements here:
All Advertisements Are…
Promoted on the homepage of the site,
Tweeted to many thousands of followers,
Added to the site’s dedicated Jobs page,
Posted to the site’s Facebook page, followed by many thousands

How to Advertise
The How To
Please just email all details, images, links, and contacts to . Feel free to attach documents, such as school and job descriptions or application forms, which can be linked to within the advertisement for download.
Because the advertisements are digital and not limited by the printed page, they can include almost anything you like, including video. If you have any questions or concerns, just get in touch! Steve is always at hand via email or telephone.
The Cost
There is a small administrative cost to your school of only £250 per advertisement (unchanged 2014-2022, with a limited increase in 2023), which we hope you will see as very good value. An invoice will be sent, allowing you to pay by BACS or cheque.
What Happens Next
The Advertisement
Advertisements will usually ‘go live’ on the site almost immediately or certainly very soon after submission. We’ll email you to let you know as soon as it’s published. On publication it will be posted to both the homepage and Jobs page of the site, tweeted to its followers and added to the site’s Facebook page. Your advertisement can remain on the site as long as you like.
The Payment
We’ll invoice you. If, after payment, you are in any way unhappy with the advertisement, please do get in touch at the above email address.
Thank you!