ARLT Refresher Day

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Mar 1

ARLT Refresher Day

1 March

Registration is now open for the ARLT Refresher Day, which will take place in Oxford on the 1st of March under the direction of Chandler Hamer. We are looking forward to meeting old and new colleagues. The day will be full of opportunities to share good practice, learn from fellow teachers and stay in touch with the latest research. Every year, we welcome practitioners from all backgrounds, including experienced teachers, student teachers and non-specialists: all those interested in teaching Classics will find something to make it a fantastic experience.


9.40-10.00: Arrival with tea and coffee Hellenic Book Service 10.00-10:10: Welcome 10.10-11.00: Option Group 1 11.00-11.10: Coffee and Hellenic Book Service 11.10-12.00: Option Group 2 12.00-12.50: Lunch (servery) 12.50-1.20: Book Presentations ‘Teaching Classics Worldwide’ Steven Hunt ‘Classics in Action’ Jessica Dixon and Arlene Holmes-Henderson 1.20-2.10: Lecture and Workshop from Dr Melinda Letts, University of Oxford and Dragon School Governor 2.15-3.05: Option Group 3 3.05-3.30: Coffee and Hellenic Book Service CA Feedback to Jessica Dixon 3.30-4.30: Committee meeting Delegates can choose one of the following option groups:
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Latin Grammar for GCSE How do you teach Latin grammar? Can we make “Romanes eunt domus” a thing of the past? Is there a good way to defang those sentences that never end?  I shall try to come up with some fresh ideas gleaned from modern linguistics (the work of Caroline Kroon) as well as from our pooled experiences. Alan Towey Achieving Level 5 in A Level Classical Civilisation This session will focus on how to support and stretch students so they can achieve Level 5 in A Level Classical Civilisation 10, 20 and 30 mark questions. We will use the advice given in examiners reports and example student answers to build a picture of what is required for them to be awarded the top levels. We will also discuss strategies for how to help students reach the standards needed and to confidently demonstrate these under exam conditions. Jess Dixon Spoken Latin Three easy activities to promote listening and speaking – even if you’ve never done it before!   Ana Martin
De Romanis The appeal of teaching de Romanis for us lies in teaching language with mythology and ancient history. Starting Latin with gods and goddess and following the adventures of Aeneas will develop students’ appreciation for the classical world. Additionally, you will appreciate the focus on developing skills needed for success in GCSE in vocabulary and language. There are many ways to teach this course, you will be presented with one of many…   Ana Henderson Aristophanes’ Frogs The session is primarily for those teaching the Greek Theatre for AL Classical Civilisation.  We will look at the role of Dionysus in Frogs, and the various kinds of humour in the play.  There will also be an opportunity to share teaching strategies.   Fiona Gow Brush up your Greek I am intending to use Taylor’s Greek to GCSE and the OCR Reader Greek Stories, and what exactly we cover can be tailored to suit you. Come just for fun, or to extend your skills.   Alison Henshaw
Suburani digital delights In this session we’ll look at some new and up-coming features of the Suburani digital resources, together with some of the lesser-known functionality and resources, to ensure we’re all getting the most out of the support they offer both us and our students. We’ll also have a sneak-peak at the Book 3 content. Will Griffiths The Ancient Near East for Classicists: Hesiod A follow up on the discussions of Homer and the Late Bronze Age world from SS24, this session will explore ancient Near Eastern influences on, and resonances with, the mythological works of Hesiod. Translations of Hesiod and of Near Eastern texts will be provided. Useful especially for those teaching Greek myths and religion at any level. Jack Brooker Teaching & Learning: Focus on Literacy This session will focus on some of the theory underpinning literacy and explore how it can be used to support and promote literacy in the classroom as well as inform the teaching of ancient languages. Lottie Mortimer
Aeneid 2 for A level Latin In this group we shall focus on preparing students for the exam, looking at passages for comment and the 20 mark essay. Please bring a copy of the text and any materials you have found useful and would like to share. Laura Beech GCSE Latin set texts: CLA Messalina and avunculus meus We will look at approaches to teaching the OCR Prose literature paper for OCR GCSE, focusing on the Cambridge Latin Anthology texts (Messalina and avunculus meus). We will discuss ideas for activities in lessons and for revision. If you are already teaching these texts, perhaps you would bring along some ideas and/or resources that you would be willing to share. Judy Nesbit Roman coins handling session Roman coins are more accessible and available than you might think.  We will examine some genuine Roman coins, see how much information we can extract from them and discuss if/ how we could use them in our teaching.  You may find it useful to bring a magnifying glass (unless you are lucky enough to be short-sighted!) Hilary Walters
Using AI in Latin and Classics In this session, I will explore practical ways that teachers can integrate AI into Latin and Classical Civilisation lessons. I will also share my own experiences of using AI effectively in these subjects.   Dimitrios Xerikos
For any questions about the day, please contact the director," target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Chandler Hamer. To register, please visit the ARLT website:


1 March
Event Category:


The Dragon School
Bardwell Road
Oxford, OX2 6SS United Kingdom
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