Free Coaching to Classics HoDs/Management

Update from Katharine Radice…

Coaching / mentoring / bespoke CPD: Many thanks to all who expressed interest in coaching – I’ve now filled the free-coaching slots, but it’s made me think about the potential benefits of dept-specific CPD and / or 1:1 support.  So, two different shout-outs now:  

1) Are you a HoD or Classics teacher interested in sourcing bespoke training for you or your dept?  

2) Are you an experienced teacher interested in offering mentoring / training to others?  

If either of the above applies to you, please get in touch via . I’d definitely be up for helping to design / deliver meaningful CPD on an individual basis – or for doing a bit of match-making between your dept and experienced teachers elsewhere – and all in a way which fits within your school’s CPD budgets.