Registration is open!
26th July to 2nd August 2025
Info from the site…
Students have 18 hours of tuition and are expected to prepare for each session during their private study time. We work hard, but also have time for fun and relaxation. There’s also the opportunity to take part in optional activities such as a visit to Hadrian’s Wall, Durham Cathedral, and other local places of interest.
In the evenings we have lectures on a wide range of Classical & Ancient History related topics from visiting speakers. In the afternoons we run a series of optional sessions, these might include grammar clinics, workshops, lectures or discussions. There’s also the opportunity for students to give talks. On the first night of the course, we meet our tutor groups by teaming up to participate in a Classics & Ancient History quiz. On the final evening, there will be a formal dinner & entertainments performed by members of the course.
Once you have chosen your course, level (if applicable), and accommodation type, please visit the ‘Apply Online’ page to complete the online application form.
We will continue to update the website in the coming months with important information about the Summer School, so please check back regularly for updates.
If you have any questions, please contact the course secretary on